My Check Engine Light Just Came On – Now What?
If you've been a driver for many years, you must have at least experienced the check engine light shining on your dashboard at one time. This is a friendly light that's supposed to alert you that there's a problem with your vehicle.
Your onboard computer is connected to many sensors to form a monitoring system. If any sensor detects an issue with your car, the lights will come on. It means the light may indicate a variety of problems. For example, the problem could be a misfiring engine or the gas cap may be loose.
For this reason, it is a daunting task to deal with the check engine light. This is because it will be upon you to determine where the problem is. Acting as fast as possible will not only save you money and time but will also arrest the problem before it becomes bigger. If a motor vehicle problem is left unattended, the vehicle may eventually fail to function, and the repair costs will be unbearable.
Have Your Vehicle Inspected
When the check engine light comes on, have your vehicle inspected as soon as possible. Motor vehicle inspection experts will carry out several diagnostic tests on your car to determine what triggered the light. Certified technicians have software that can detect the part of the vehicle that has malfunctioned with ease. They will then recommend the most appropriate action you can take.
Computer Diagnostics
The only way to truly understand the issue at hand is by performing computer diagnostics. These need to be done using state-of-the-art equipment which plugs into your vehicle's on-board computer system. When plugged in, the scan will pull the error code that triggered the light to illuminate in the first place.
Identifying the problem
Depending on what they find out from your onboard computer, the technicians will carry out further diagnostic procedures to isolate the component that malfunctioned. They will then make repair suggestions based on the diagnosis results. This eliminates errors that may increase repair costs.
If you need check engine light repair, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!