Posted on 8/31/2020
Noticing a leak coming from underneath your vehicle can be worrisome. As soon as you see a leak, be sure to inspect the liquid to determine its color and where it is coming from. Fluid leaking from your car could mean a variety of different things, and the color of the liquid is usually an accurate indicator of where that leak is coming from. Here are some of the colors to look out for if you notice a leak: Red - Red fluid usually points to a transmission or power steering system leak. This can stem from a broken transmission seal or a hole in a line between systems. Orange - Orange liquid can be tricky. The orange color can actually indicate leaking antifreeze or just regular condensation that is rusty from the radiator. Transmission fluid can also look orange particularly if the fluid is old. Yellow - Yellow fluid is a sign of a radiator coolant leak. This can begin to leak if there is a loose hose clamp or a damaged o-ring. Green - Green fluid leaking can poin ... read more